Lame Rumor Mills

Well I heard that…


ThatGuy: Hi Another!

AnotherGuy: Hello ThatGuy, good to see you!

TG: likewise. *laughs as his son does something* that kid can be a funny guy

AG: You let your kid watch you?

TG: he's in the same room sometimes if I'm just chatting with friends and not getting into heavy stuff. i mean if I start to really rp then I'll send him to another room, but he hardly pays attention to the screen now

AG: Oh, I guess I can see that. I'll warn you if I want to get into some kind of heavy RP.

TG: thanks! That's nice of you.

----A while later after TG has left-----

DoesntListen: Hi Another!

AG: Oh hello Doesnt. Before I forget, if your going to get into a heavy scene in the future, warn ThatGuy. Sometimes his kid might be in the room.

DL: *gasps* He lets his kid watch him RP?

AG: Well no, sometimes his kid is just in the room.

DL: I still can't believe that. Quickly, I must tell others, without talking to ThatGuy at all! That's sick.

AG: Um...

-----A few hours later in another window----

Paranoid: Doesnt told me that ThatGuy lets his kids watch all the heaviest RPs and sometimes he lets the kid's friends watch!

Flanders: My God! Won't someone think of the children!

-----Even more hours later, things leave reality behind even more-----

NosyArse: I can't believe this! Flanders just told me that ThatGuy forces kids to watch every heavy RP at his place. He's trying to create some kind of twisted perverted army for the future! It's a good thing we have people that don't even know him that can tell us these things!

RumorSpreader: It certainly is. I'll go tell others.

----Yet much later, but not too much later, people keep losing touch----

StoryTeller: ...and some say that in the dark of night he drowns babies in the pool and eats them for breakfast in the morning! And the kids are actually clones that he's trying to program as future vores!

Flanders: You see!? We have to do something! Think of the children!

ThatGuy: *comes in* hi guys. how r...

AngryMob(TM): *New and Improved! Now with torches!* There he is! Quick! Don't ask him anything directly! Just persecute! PERSECUTE!!! Stone! STONE!!!!

ThatGuy: what the... this could piss me off!

True Vores: Um... Has anyone ever tried, oh say, talking to people directly if you have a concern? That might help! Agh! *looks around* But be cautious! The flaming monkeys may have returned...